Category: Move Forward

  • Accommodate the full spectrum of advancement interest

    Except for the best-run Venturing crews, BSA’s mainline programs facilitate an unhealthy fixation on advancement.

    Distracting from adventure, this creates an unwelcoming environment for youth uninterested in advancement and encourages negative perceptions of youth who do not achieve terminal ranks.

    Whether a youth member is interested in advancement should be irrelevant to that youth’s enjoyment of a BSA program.

    Part of this is cultural, where by overcoming the fixation on advancement we can more easily appreciate youth experiences different than those that are advancement-seeking. Part of this can be achieved by refactoring advancement at all levels so that it prescribes a robust adventure program, leading to achievement as a natural result of active participation.

  • Double down on adventure

    The main thing adults remember about their Scouting experience? Kick-ass adventures with friends.

    When we facilitate kick-ass adventures with friends, youth will want our program, youth will stick with it.

    BSA is in a crowded market. Other organizations also instill positive values in youth. BSA’s main differentiator is a robust adventure program. Everything we do must be in the context of adventure.

    Adventure can come in many forms. A Tiger Cub (first grade) field trip to a grocery store may be an adventure! Generally, adventures should be outdoor as much as feasible. All should appropriately challenge the youth.