BSA has endemic brownface cosplay


BSA has endemic brownface cosplay. It’s most prominent in Order of the Arrow (OA), an honor society for Scouts.

This practice is unacceptable and invites questions on BSA’s commitment to good character. It needs to end quickly.

Any path forward for OA that includes Native American-themed activities, performances, or art must meet strict criteria to assure appropriateness. It must avoid even the appearance of cultural appropriation.


OA generally includes qualifying Scouts aged 12-20. It has a great purpose, and it might increase engagement in Scouting.

OA has a dark side. A good deal of its Native American-themed programming is brownface cosplay.

Cosplay is costumed role-playing (more info). OA’s cosplay is brownface because it is a stereotype of Native American cultures.

Where it happens

When I was a youth, OA’s core ceremonies were phony riffs on Native American culture. They employ the noble savage stereotype while appropriating indigenous language and themes, especially of the Lenape people.

Even much of Native American dance events and competitions were clownish, white-boy amalgams of Native American-ish ideas and stereotypes with only a thin veneer of legitimacy.

Even back then, prominent voices were asking why BSA allowed OA to do this. I don’t recall “cultural appropriation” being used, but the concern was similar.

BSA’s bumbling national office has a leadership vacuum. It’s filled by throwback reactionaries who “white”-wash cultural appropriation concerns, allowing the brownface-cosplay problem to persist.

Here’s a 2021 example:

Brownface cosplay in an Order of the Arrow call out.

An April 2023 OA call-out ceremony featured a war bonnet, possibly the most prominent symbol of cultural appropriation:

War bonnet used in OA call out ceremony in April 2023.

Why the cosplay is bad

Society has taken an unambiguous stance opposing cultural appropriation of oppressed minorities. That is, regrettably, the entirety of OA’s core ceremonies.

If BSA is to be taken seriously as an exemplar of character, it needs to exceed societal standards. At a minimum, BSA must not permit any brownface cosplay.

Today’s youth are increasingly uncomfortable with this practice. Just in my own troop, multiple youth have shared discomfort with OA’s brownface cosplay.

Next steps

OA has made a little progress. For example, it banned brownface cosplay at Arrow of Light ceremonies in 2018.

Much more is needed. OA must assure that every last Native American-themed activity or component is in the context of a respectful collaboration: Native American-themed performance art must only be authorized when it complies with an agreement that is a product of an active, local relationship with a tribe. Allowed performances may only reflect that tribe’s traditions. Native American-themed static works are only authorized when they are accurate historical representations of tribes or their practices and backed by rigorous evidence. Static works are limited to personal use or exhibits. They may not be used for any other purpose, including but not limited to symbols used by the OA or any lodge or chapter, without explicit authorization from every tribe the work represents.

That a performance-art agreement is time-limited and within the context of an “active relationship” with a tribe are crucial. One-and-done agreements discourage relationship. They also risk generational disagreements should later tribal leaders bring new viewpoints. Therefore, any agreement must have an expiration, and I recommend it be no more than three years.

The stipulation to have an agreement with a tribe avoids the “I know a Native American and he said it’s OK” dilemma. This lacks validity because no single person can speak for a tribe. (Whether a member of a tribe performs according to that tribe’s practices is an internal matter for that tribe.)

Also, use of Native American-themed proper nouns need review. This largely includes lodge and chapter names. Generally, they, too, should be subject to an agreement with a tribe. This is a difficult matter, so I recommend the policy be prospective with a two-year grace period. This means all new names may have no resemblance to any indigenous-related concept except outside of an agreement struck with a tribe, and that current outside-of-an-agreement indigenous-like names would need to be corrected within a two-year period.

Because names are more durable, longer agreements relating to names may be OK. Also, national-scope agreements might be acceptable, unlike performance-art agreements, which must strictly be local.

This may change OA

Here’s where we need to be prepared: We hope this will produce beneficial relationships with tribes. However, tribes might be generally be uninterested in these agreements. If so, Native American-themed activities could become rare enough that the OA would need to drop its emphasis on indigenous-themed activities.

While this may be difficult for some, this is an acceptable potential outcome. Tribes own their own culture and traditions. It is their prerogative whether others may employ the culture and tradition.

In the end, Native American theming is unnecessary for OA to thrive as an honor society for Scouts.

Closing thought

Let’s end with a closing thought: If the Order of the Arrow’s main thematics were an appropriation of Christian communion services, would society tolerate that? Of course not. The same honor must apply to the traditions of Native Americans.

If you have any doubt on my brownface cosplay allegation, please read Indian Country Today‘s Boy Scouts ‘have been one of the worst culprits’ of cultural appropriation by Vincent Schilling.

A note on arrows

Archery started 60,000 or more years ago in Africa and is not exclusive to any one society. It is generally not appropriation to use bows, arrows, or arrowheads in our words, themes, or activities. This provides a path for the Order of the Arrow to continue the use of arrows, arrowheads, and similar themes.


18 responses to “BSA has endemic brownface cosplay”

  1. Joe Avatar

    You need to smokem peace pipe, kemo sabe.

    1. Ronald John Madsen Avatar
      Ronald John Madsen

      The OA has been around for years. None of it shows disrespect to the Natives but instead it shows a lot of respect! It’s bad enough bsa has to let girls in. It ruins a lot of the experiences that goes hand to hand in BOY SCOUTS!!! All of these people coming here from other countries should learn to accept our culture which means give us our right to practice Christianity in OUR schools and wherever we want to and we’ll give you the freedom to practice your religion. This is the way America was started and our money says ” In GOD we trust. So if you don’t like it, go back to where you came from

      1. Andrew Luallen Avatar
        Andrew Luallen

        I think you are off base with your comment the inclusion of the girls. I’m an Eagle Scout and a father of two girls in the program. Also a leader in a family Pack and a girls Troop. The girls bring a lot to this program and,for it to survive, the girls are going to be essential. The girls in no way remove anything from the program or change any of the experiences. Quite honestly the main program is the last one to allow girls to participate. Venture Crews and Explorer posts have been coed for decades. International scouting has allowed females for a long time as well.

        During my time as a scout I often thought it was quite unfair that girls my own age could be part of the camp staff and teach merit badges but they could not earn them themselves. Allowing females into the program should have happened decades ago. It brings me great joy to see the girls in our units grow into strong leaders with great values as a result of scouting.

  2. Mama Sue Avatar
    Mama Sue

    Smoking is bad for you and kids 😉.
    Good article. But confused me by referencing 2018 changes while providing 2023 video proof of offensive behavior.

    Any generic Stereotyping should be reviewed on a regular basis. Mores change with time and enlightenment.
    I think the author is onto something, may be the right time to review the OA standards for a rework.

    1. Aren Cambre Avatar
      Aren Cambre

      Apologies for any confusion. The 2018 change was to a different ceremony than what’s in the 2023 photo.

  3. Painter Avatar

    I disagree, black face was making fun, offensively of a culture. This is meant to show respect to our native American roots. If it is done incorrectly rather than teaching for “I’m offended”, volunteer to show the correct dress. The mystique of the culture is attractive and not meant to offend. If someone wants to be offended they can always find a reason. Our lodge changed to a whole different style to represent the culture of our area, the Choctaw, it was educational. We stopped paint because we didn’t understand the reference and were informed we did it wrong.

    1. Aren Cambre Avatar
      Aren Cambre

      If I set up a faux, secular ceremony that was largely based on a Catholic mass, is that respecting Christianity?

      Also, blackface is mimicking the appearance of people from African descent. Whether the actor perceives the blackface act to be respectful is irrelevant.

      Sorry, society has made it clear that performance art that riffs off the culture of historically oppressed minorities is a bad thing. That is precisely what OA is doing with its core ceremonies. We cannot get around this with a whitewash about respect.

      To remind, performance art that is subject to an active agreement with a tribe and within that tribe’s own culture or customs is fine. But that would limit us to authentic ceremonies or tribe-authorized extensions of the ceremonies, which by definition cannot cover any OA core ceremony.

      1. Ronald John Madsen Avatar
        Ronald John Madsen

        Nailed It!

  4. Frustrated Scouter Avatar
    Frustrated Scouter

    I wholeheartedly agree. My son and I went through Ordeal together, and it was a great experience, up until the induction ceremony. That made me very uncomfortable. Lodge members assured me that local tribes allowed them to practice their ceremonies, but I am not aware of any official tribal review or agreement with our council. Between insisting that all OA inductees are Arrowmen, and the blatent brownface, we sadly have not renewed our dues. And neither has my husband, who was inducted in the 1980’s.

    1. Aren Cambre Avatar
      Aren Cambre

      I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard of an alleged tribal endorsement of OA ceremonies. It has been said since I was a youth, and I am not young.

      Even then, the core OA ceremonies appear to largely be a riff on Lenape customs. If that is true, then no tribe other than the Lenape might authorize them. It’s surprising how many people claim to know the Lenape tribal leadership!

    2. Ronald John Madsen Avatar
      Ronald John Madsen

      Sooooooo sad that ANYONE would complain about a something that’s been happening for years! It was an honor to inducted to the OA there wasn’t anything negative about the Natives, instead it was about honoring their commitment to their survival and traditions.

  5. Awake, Not Woke Avatar
    Awake, Not Woke

    What a joke Scouting has become. If you really care about cultural appropriation in Scouting let’s be done with all of it. Wood badge beads, cultural appropriation. McClaren tartan, cultural appropriation. Patrols and patrol method, cultural appropriation. Rank structure, cultural appropriation. Merit badge insignias, cultural appropriation. And my favorite cultural appropriation are those spaghetti and meatball dinners troops are so fond of using for fundraising. I am quite certain they aren’t using the true spaghetti sauce and meatball recipe, the folks making and serving the food aren’t Italian, and they are raising money using a traditional recipe of a Mediterranean Culture….talk about cultural appropriation!!!!

  6. Mark Clemons Avatar

    I miss the ceremony. I miss the costumes. I am from the days of the Tap out. But I think that if we actively work with the tribes in our area (if any are left) would create a climate where we both benefit. The scouts actively trying to keep the ceremonies alive and the Native Americans having a group to work with to promote their heritage. It can work for both side. They just need to get together and do the work.

  7. Greg Harn Avatar
    Greg Harn

    This was a big ol nothing burger. Just another white dude offended on behalf of others.

  8. Terry Rose Avatar
    Terry Rose

    I am a Native American I have danced professionally for years placing at my fair share of powwows. Over the years I have seen a lot of changes different tribes coming into the powwow circle these traditions weren’t there’s in the beginning and many of them are less than stellar many of them do not no the meaning of the dance the proper regalia or where it originated. I think the scouting program can do a great service to Native Americans if they were to take the time get to know Native people and teach the proper etiquette and history of Native people.

  9. Dave McGrath Avatar
    Dave McGrath

    Let there be any confusion, the National Museum of the American Indian has stated for non Natives:

    “Dressing up as a Native American is never appropriate.”

    Notice how there are no carve-outs for the expert whittlers of BSA or the Order of the Arrow.

  10. Jakob Smith Avatar
    Jakob Smith

    Our lodge youth leadership decided a few years ago to part ways with the regalia and most of the Native American traditions (drumming, tepee, etc) that are in the OA ceremonies. The lodge advisors and Scout Executive has supported and welcomed the changes. At the core the Scouts want to provide cheerful service and leadership to the program.

    1. Aren Cambre Avatar
      Aren Cambre

      This is a good first step. To be fully clean, they also need to end the Tonto-talk pidgin, revise out use of Native American-ish names or theming in the ceremonies, and steer clear of noble savage stereotypes.

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